Thursday 22 May 2014

May and still still after six weeks

I'm pretty much speechless with frustration.  I am still not able to resume training.  Everything was going well, I was fitter than ever, 20 to 28 miles over the hills at an easy pace had become entirely comfortable, then suddenly I'm a non runner again.  I felt a little better a couple of weeks ago so tried an exploratory run of around five and a half miles.  My left knee hurt a little at the time and a couple of days later was the worst it has been.  This weekend, a few hundred metres was enough to cause searing pain.

I ran just over 250 miles between the end of February and the beginning of April.  I developed my injury on the second of two back to back weekends of 26 +10 miles.  There was no real warning, I just started to feel knee pain at the beginning of the second 26, it eased and I ran the +10 without too much trouble.  The pain developed during the following rest day.  After an easy week I ran the 6.5 mile Mow Cop Race, which hurt toward the end.  Since then I have only run the trial runs described above.  I am in a worse state after six weeks rest than when I started.

I have managed to get out and walk some of my local area which has allowed me to do some litter picking in Apedale.  When the pain is at its worst even walking is out.  It is particularly frustrating not to be out at this time of year while nature is so beautiful and eventful.

A clearing on my home route, the Hawthorn is also wonderful this year and the first roses are now in bloom.

Recommencement of mining at Bignall

I have managed to find out little concerning the progress of the application for the recommencement of mining on Bignall/Old Hill that I mentioned back in March.  As far as I am aware the planning application is still being considered by Staffordshire County Council.  The official name of the proposed development is Great Oak, though this name refers to an area further west than the proposed development.  Links to documents can be found at UK Coal and Staffs CC.  There is an action group Facebook page here.

Below is a bit of an Old Hill gallery in case the real thing is dug up.