Wednesday 7 November 2018

Bleaklow and 'Over Exposed'

Bleaklow and 'Over Exposed'

Back in July I finally got round to doing Higher Shelf Stones.  This is a trip I have been meaning to make for some time, but somehow it has never happened.  I am behind with a few things so this report has also been a long time in the making.

There was a light mist on the Sunday morning when friend Chris and I set out for Higher shelf stones.  The mist grew thicker as we ascended.

Photos: Above - Chris Lewis, all others - el

Navigation was no real problem though off the main paths at times.  This was partly due to the wonders of phone GPS in conjunction with the excellent OsmAnd.  Now that the superb OpenTopo render is available, there seems little else one could want in such an application.  We had occasion to demonstrate the benefits of this (off line) system to a group who had had to get their paper map out when they lost their data connection and Google Maps stopped helping.

I have to say though, I still much prefer paper maps (well, maybe a very large monitor) for planning and, in conjunction with a thumb compass, when moving fast.

Over Exposed was a photo reconnaissance aircraft first in service just before the end of WWII, in 1946 it took photographs of the Bikini Atoll nuclear bomb tests, the craft also took part in the Berlin airlift.  The fateful last flight was on November the 3rd 1948.

I'll leave the images, and map, to do most of  the talking this time.  I will say that the wreck site had a quiet timeless dignity as befitted it, the mist only added to that.  The wreaths had been laid recently (13th July) by Boeing UK.

We enjoyed a pint at the Queen's Arms before returning to our start point.  As so often happens, the mist lifted completely as soon as we got down!